Berol Spin 652 Fiber additive

Product Line Surfactants - Cationic and fatty amines

Spin bath additive for viscose textile filament and cellulosic film.


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Berol Spin 652 Fiber additive (Surfactants - Cationic and fatty amines)

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Berol Spin 652 Fiber additive (Surfactants - Cationic and fatty amines)

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  • ProductBrand

  • ProductChemicalFamily

    Cationic Surfactant Blend
  • Regional availability

  • ProductChemicalsName

    Cationic surfactant
  • ProductApplications

    When introducing Berol® Spin 652 spin bath additive in a process where surfactants previously have not been used, it is recommended to raise the quantity stepwise during several weeks until the desired level is reached. To ensure rapid dissolution and distribution of Berol® Spin 652 product in the spin bath, it should be diluted with water or spin bath at room temperature before the addition. Berol® Spin 652 product is preferably fed continuously into the spin bath system through a gear pump. Recommended concentration of stock solution is 20% active substance.

Use Cases



Spin bath additive that dramatically enhances your process and the end properties of viscose textile filament and cellulosic film.


  • Processing aid,
  • Textile Auxiliary,
  • Additive


  • Textile Auxiliary,
  • Textile Processing,
  • Filament yarn
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Get in touch!

For more information about Berol Spin 652 Fiber additive, please contact our technical experts. We look forward to hearing from you.

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