Expancel 044 DU 40

Product Line Expancel microspheres

Dry powder of unexpanded thermoplastic microspheres used as a blowing agent in elastomers, adhesives, printing inks and similar applications. It expands at a temperature range of 98-170°C and the particle size is around 40 µm in its expanded form.


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Expancel 044 DU 40 (Expancel microspheres)

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Expancel 044 DU 40 (Expancel microspheres)

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    Preparation/Chemical mixture

Use Cases

Building and construction


  • Blowing Agent


  • Adhesives
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Polymer processing


  • Blowing Agent


  • Elastomer,
  • Weather strip
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Paints, coatings and inks


  • Blowing Agent


  • Printing Ink
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Get in touch!

For more information about Expancel 044 DU 40, please contact our technical experts. We look forward to hearing from you.

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