Perbenzox B 47

Product Line Organic peroxides

Perbenzox B 47 is a fast-curing 47% peroxide formulation; disperses and dissolves very quickly in unsaturated polyester resins and (meth)acrylic resins.


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Perbenzox B 47 (Organic peroxides)

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Perbenzox B 47 (Organic peroxides)

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  • ProductBrand

  • ProductChemicalFamily

    Organic peroxide
  • ProductCASnr

  • ProductPhysicalForm

  • Latin America
  • ProductMolecularWeight

  • ProductActualproduct

  • ProductChemicalsName

    Dibenzoyl peroxide, 47% non-phthalate plasticizer
  • Molecular drawing

    Organic peroxide
  • ProductApplications

    Perkadox B 47 is a paste containing 47% dibenzoyl peroxide without phthalate for the curing of unsaturated polyester resins at ambient and elevated temperatures. At temperatures up to 80°C, Perkadox B 47 should be used in combination with an aromatic tertiary amine accelerator, above 80°C the use of an accelerator is not required. Perkadox B 47 has primarily been developed for the putty market. For non-filled systems, Perkadox GB-50L or Perkadox 40E are better applicable with respect to miscibility with the UP resin. Perkadox B 47 shows a very good chemical and physical stability and is therefore very suitable for tube filling. The curing system Perkadox B 47/amine accelerator shows a very fast cure that is hardly influenced by humidity and fillers. Even at low temperatures a relatively good cure will be obtained. A disadvantage may be the yellow color and poor light resistance of the molded product.

Use Cases

Thermoset composites


Perbenzox® B 47 is a dibenzoyl peroxide presented in the form of a homogeneous paste, containing 47% diluted dibenzoyl peroxide. Perbenzox B 47 is used as a polymerization initiator for unsaturated polyester or vinyl ester resins.


  • Curing agent


  • Pultrusion
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