
Cables 2025

11 三月 2025, 8:30 AM - 13 三月 2025, 4:00 PM (GMT) Dusseldorf, Germany

Nouryon is the trusted supplier of crosslinking peroxides such as Perkadox® BC, Perkadox® 14, Trigonox® T. These products and their related formulations are applied in the production of energy cables that are increasingly needed because of the growing demand of electricity transportation from sustainable energy sources (e.g. solar and wind) to end users.


Cable industry is witnessing a multitude of new developments and challenges. Besides the need for formulation changes, quality and durability have become more and more crucial. In addition, global trends do play an important role nowadays and dictate the selection of high-quality starting materials.

Raw materials applied by the cable industry must meet a wide range of requirements set by the cable producers and end users. Our crosslinking peroxides, sold under the Perkadox® and Trigonox® brand names, have been proven to meet those requirements as specified by the low-, medium- and (extra)high voltage cable industry. These products are used as high purity grades, or where needed, as diluted formulations. On top of it, customer specific forms can be offered. Our history and high-quality offerings in cable industry are a guarantee provided by consumers involved in the cable production.

Leo Nijhof, Global Technical Development Manager, will be representing Polymer Specialties during this table-top event. There are opportunities for 1 on 1 discussions.

Read more about the event here.

星期二, 11 三月 2025, 8:30 AM - 星期四, 13 三月 2025, 4:00 PM (GMT)

    • Hilton hotel
    • 40474 , Dusseldorf
    • Germany


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