Celquat SC-240C

Product Line Biopolymers

Celquat® SC-240C is a surfactant compatible cationic polymer that provides medium conditioning to hair and skin care formulations. This water soluble modified cellulosic polymer enables highly clear formulations while building viscosity. Celquat® SC-240C is preservative free, non-GMO polymer.


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Celquat SC-240C (Biopolymers)

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Celquat SC-240C (Biopolymers)

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  • ProductBrand

  • Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America
  • ProductApplications

    It enables products that provide excellent detangling of wet hair and improved combing and conditioned feel to dry hair.


Personal care


Low viscosity cationic cellulosic polymer with surfactant compatibility.


  • Conditioning Agent


  • Antiperspirants or Deodorants,
  • Skin Cream and Lotion,
  • Bath and Shower Products,
  • Styling Product,
  • Hair care
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Get in touch!

For more information about Celquat SC-240C, please contact our technical experts. We look forward to hearing from you.


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