Levasil CT22 PM

Product Line Levasil colloidal silica

Levasil® CT22 PM is an alkaline, aqueous dispersion of colloidal silica that is approximately 40% solids by weight. The silica dispersion is sodium stabilized and the amorphous silica particles carry a negative surface charge. The silica particles are discrete, have a smooth, spherical shape, and are present in a narrow particle size distribution. The physical appearance of the dispersion is a translucent liquid, slightly more viscous than water. Levasil® CT22 PM is produced for world-wide distribution.


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Levasil CT22 PM (Levasil colloidal silica)

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Levasil CT22 PM (Levasil colloidal silica)

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  • ProductBrand

  • ProductChemicalFamily

    Anionic particles sodium stabilized
  • ProductCASnr

  • ProductPhysicalForm

  • ProductChemicalsName

    Colloidal silica
  • ProductApplications

    Levasil® CT22 PM is an optimised product with a proven performance within the coating and surface treatment area.


Paints, coatings and inks

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For more information about Levasil CT22 PM, please contact our technical experts. We look forward to hearing from you.


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