Nouryon makes a collective impact of being connected, supported, and safe during Safety Day 2022 and through the #MySafetyStory campaign

September 2022

Safety is how we do business — it’s built into our values and culture. We honor our commitment to safety every day by doing whatever it takes to ensure our own safety and the safety of our employees, our customers, and our communities.

Every year, we set aside a day to remind ourselves of why that commitment is so integral to everything we do. That day is, of course, Safety Day, which Nouryon employees around the world commemorated on Wednesday, September 21.

“I was incredibly impressed to see the enthusiasm and engagement on Safety Day this year,” said Paresh Bhakta, Senior Vice President and Chief Integrated Supply Chain Officer. “Our collective stories reminded us that no one ever wants to say, ‘I should have…’ following an incident or injury, which means we must never lose sight of the hazards around us. Nothing can replace good hazard recognition and taking leading actions to stop safety incidents.”

While Safety Day is one day, we celebrate safety every day at Nouryon. Every year, our Health, Safety, Environmental and Security (HSE&S) team together with multi-functional partners, evaluates key safety trends and continuous improvement opportunities, and the results are used to build an annual safety awareness and engagement campaign. This campaign is launched on Safety Day, and then carried out throughout the year.

Our 2022 Safety Day theme — Know Risks. No Regrets. — focused on risk awareness and hazard recognition to improve our safety performance and drive a stronger, more sustainable safety culture. All Nouryon employees and contractors actively participated in local events based on the theme and shared ideas and good practices on how to reach our ‘zero injuries, waste, and harm’ ambition.

Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our team members across Businesses, Functions and Regions, Safety Day was a resounding success. As part of this year’s celebration, we asked employees to connect and share their safety stories related to our theme, under the campaign #MySafetyStory. Employees also participated in a mix of event activities, including training workshops, interactive mobile games and quizzes, hazard hunts, safety award ceremonies, emergency response planning drills, and more.

“I want to personally thank everyone for your participation,” Paresh added. “When we are connected and supported by one another, we are better able to help ourselves and our teams stay focused on the job. We can create a culture and workplace where everyone feels safe, while leading our company to growth and success year after year.”

A snapshot of our 2022 Safety Day events and activities

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