Media Release

Nouryon achieves carbon neutrality at five manufacturing sites

19 Jul 2022 - News

Nouryon announced that five manufacturing sites are carbon neutral. This achievement supports the company’s sustainability agenda, ‘Commitment to a Sustainable Future’, which includes targets to reduce operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% by 2030, versus a 2019 base year, as well as Nouryon’s aspiration to be a net-zero organization by 2050.

The five carbon neutral sites1 in Brazil operated by Nouryon (Imperatriz, Eunápolis, Três Lagoas (2) and Jacareí), are part of the company’s Integrated Manufacturing Model, offering on-location sodium chlorate and/or chlorine dioxide production. Modern pulp mills normally generate excess utilities (e.g., such as steam and water from the pulping process) that can be used as fuel in other manufacturing processes. Nouryon uses renewable energy from our customers sourced primarily from biomass. These reused resources effectively lower the carbon footprint of the site while producing chemicals more efficiently. Simultaneously, on-site production reduces transportation requirements.

These five sites have low Scope 1 GHG emissions and reported zero Scope 2 GHG emissions2, which has been independently assured4 by ERM CVS. These low, remaining emissions are offset by the purchase of certified5 carbon offsets, created from renewable energy projects.

carbonneutrality5sites-rounded.jpgClick image to open infograph

“Nouryon is proud to deliver products produced by carbon neutral manufacturing sites in close partnership with our customers,” said Ann Lindgärde, Vice President Renewable Fibers. “We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability performance and offering, while delivering essential solutions to the pulp, tissue and packaging industry.”

“Nouryon recognizes that this is an important step in our sustainability journey. We will continue to look for GHG emissions reduction opportunities throughout our operations, and in collaboration with customers, suppliers and partners as part of our longer-term commitments,” said Eduardo Nardinelli, Senior Vice President, South America & Global Carbon Business Leader. “Our plans include improving efficiency in our operations, optimizing our fuel mix, as well as increasing our use of renewable energy through power purchase agreements, on-site renewable projects, utility programs and renewable electricity certificates.”

More information can be found on the dedicated Sustainability section of the Company’s website and in Nouryon’s 2021 Sustainability Report.

1. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations (Scope 1) and purchased energy use (Scope 2) in 2021.
2. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations (Scope 1) and purchased energy use (Scope 2).
3. The realization of the company’s goals on the pathway towards net-zero relies on a number of considerations, including site evaluations, increased renewable energy, the rate of innovation, value-chain developments and regulatory requirements.
4. Independent assurance of Nouryon’s 2021 GHG emissions completed by ERM CVS. For more information, see the Independent Assurance Statement.
5. Offsets for Scope 1 emissions certified by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS),
administered by Verra, and retired. For more information, see

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About Nouryon

Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of approximately 8,200 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands.


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