Annual data reporting by category

A key business driver 

Logo ecovadis 2023 sustainability rating

EcoVadis Gold rating
Top 5% of companies rated by EcoVadis

Icon windmill

32% of revenue
from Eco-Premium Solutions*

Lightbulb icon

of our R&D product pipeline is focused on solutions with sustainability benefits*

Leaf icon

of organic raw materials are from renewable sources*

Partnership icon

>95% retention rate
over the past six years for our top 250 customers


Climate Score Leadership

Icon trophy

Top-quartile performer

in people safety

Icon diploma


of our in-scope employees completed mandatory Compliance trainings

Icon square circle triangle

gender and ethnic diversity represented on our Board of Directors

Icon female


of mid-level managers and above are female

Get the Sustainability Report 2023

We invite you to read more about all of the progress we are making in this report. And, as in previous years, we transparently report relevant data, including a clear overview of our annual sustainability data reporting. Thank you for your interest in Nouryon’s contribution to a sustainable future.  

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Nouryon's 2023 Sustainability Report is available now.


Company carbon footprint

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Total absolute direct and indirect emissions market-based (Scopes 1 and 2) Thousand tonnes CO2e 1,506 1,488 1,467 1,498 1,294 -14%
Carbon intensity (Scopes 1 and 2 combined)

Kg CO2e/tonne of production

408 416 395 411 384 n/a
Direct absolute GHG emissions (Scope 1)2,3 Thousand tonnes CO2e 588 604 620 636 563 n/a
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) intensity

Kg CO2e/tonne of production

159 169 167 174 167 n/a
Indirect GHG emissions market-based (Scope 2)4,5

Thousand tonnes CO2e

918 884 847 862 731 n/a
Indirect GHG emissions market-based (Scope 2) intensity

Kg CO2e/tonne of production

249 247 228 236 217 n/a
Indirect GHG emissions location-based (Scope 2) Thousand tonnes CO2e 1,276 1,196 1,199 1,254 1,241 n/a
Calculated Scope 3 total absolute GHG emissions Thousand tonnes CO2e       4,427 4,097 n/a
Total absolute GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 market-based, and Scope 3)

Thousand tonnes CO2e


      5,926 5,391 n/a
Direct emissions, covered by emissions-limiting regulations % of direct emissions 22% 25% 25% 27% 24% n/a

Energy Management

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Total energy consumption6 Mln GJ 30.4 30.7 32.7 33.4 31.5 n/a
Total energy consumption intensity6 GJ/tonnes of production 8.24 8.59 8.81 9.15 9.34 n/a
Percentage renewable energy consumed7 % 30% 38% 38% 34% 33% n/a
Percentage renewable electricity consumed % 36% 48% 49% 39% 42% n/a
Percentage energy from grid electricity % 62% 61% 60% 59% 61% n/a
Energy consumption from unbundled RECs8 MWh       40,312 59,554 n/a
Carbon offsets purchased9 Tonnes CO2       200 127 n/a
Total self-generated electricity Mln GJ - - - -





Air Quality

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
NOx absolute emissions Tonnes 471 482 513 527 468 n/a
NOx emission intensity Kg/tonne of production 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 n/a
SOx absolute emissions Tonnes 3,533 3,135 3,288 3,333 3,446 n/a
SOx emission intensity Kg/tonne of production 0.96 0.88 0.89 0.91 1.02 n/a
VOC absolute emissions Tonnes 669 1,172 1,938 1,792 1,853 n/a
VOC absolute emission intensity Kg/tonne of production 0.18 0.33 0.52 0.49 0.55 n/a
Hazardous air pollutants Tonnes     374 357 408 n/a
Hazardous air pollutants intensity Kg/tonne of production     0.10 0.10 0.12 n/a

Emission to Water – Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
COD absolute emissions to surface water Tonnes 845 768 896 854 836 n/a
COD emission intensity to surface water Kg/tonne of production 0.23 0.21 0.24 0.23 0,25 n/a
COD absolute emissions to external waste water treatment Tonnes 15,257 16,515 17,917 18,447 15,380 n/a
COD emission intensity to external waste water treatment Kg/tonne of production 4.13 4.60 4.81 5.04 4.56 n/a

Water Management

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Absolute fresh water intake Thousand m3 134,868 147,270 161,652 153,407 151,543 n/a
Fresh water intake intensity

M3/tonne of production

36.5 41.1 43.4 41.9 44.9 n/a
Percentage in regions with high water stress % 2.3% 2.0% 1.6% 2.0% 2.0% n/a
Absolute fresh water consumption8 Thousand m3 15,427 14,786 14,349 14,497 14,295 n/a
Fresh water consumption8 intensity M3/tonne of production 4.18 4.12 3.85 3.96 4.24 1%
Percentage in regions with high water stress % 19% 20% 18% 18% 21% n/a

Waste Management

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Total absolute waste Tonnes 62,587 59,449 63,243 68,959 56,393 n/a
Total waste intensity Kg/tonne of production 17.0 16.6 17.0 18.9 16.7 -1%
Absolute non-hazardous waste Tonnes 45,143 41,718 42,146 44,652 35,368 n/a
Non-hazardous waste intensity Kg/tonne of production 12.2 11.6 11.3 12.2 10.5 n/a
Absolute hazardous waste Tonnes 17,444 17,731 21,097 24,306 21,025 n/a
Absolute hazardous waste to landfill Tonnes 417 465 268 548 193 n/a
Hazardous waste reused % 24% 28% 33% 24% 26% n/a


Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Performance Formulations Thousand tonnes 2,028 1,964 1,996 1,912 1,686 n/a
Technology Solutions Thousand tonnes 1,662 1,622 1,729 1,747 1,689 n/a

Sustainable Sourcing

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023 Progress toward target1
Percentage suppliers screened using Risk IQ10 % of spend     96% 94% 90% n/a
Percentage suppliers measured on Ecovadis performance11 % of spend     50% 60% 66% n/a
Percentage suppliers acknowledging our Business Partner Code of Conduct12 % of spend     98% 99,74% 99,81% n/a
Percentage of bio-based raw materials (portion of organic materials) % of organic portion (by mass) 20% 21% 22% 22% 20% n/a

Management Systems13

Unit 2019 2020


2023 Progress toward target1


    Per April, 2021 Per February 28, 2022

Per March 23, 2023

Per December, 2023  
Percentage of manufacturing sites with ISO-14001/RC-14001 certifications %   77% 84% 98% 95%  n/a
Percentage of manufacturing sites with ISO-9001 certifications %     88% 88% 82%  n/a

1 Percentage change 2019-2023.
2 Scope 1 does not include process emissions from other greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, Hydrofluorocarbons, and Perfluorocarbons) and their CO2 equivalents. For 2023 in Scope 1, this was estimated to be less than 2% and not included.
3 Including Carbon offsets purchased to compensate for Scope 1 emissions in our carbon neutral sites. 
4 Scope 2 does not include process emissions from the other greenhouse gases CH4, N2O, Hydrofluorocarbons, and Perfluorocarbons, as per Nouryon's Reporting Principles 2023.
5 Including RECs retired on our behalf for utility supplied renewable electricity and other utility contractual instruments.
6 Energy consumption is expressed in mln GJ which is the sum of the actual consumed by the sites.
7 Renewable-energy data include renewable fuels such as biomass, purchased renewable steam, and renewable electricity from solar, wind, and hydro power.
8 RECs retired on our behalf for utility supplied renewable electricity and other utility contractual instruments.
9 Carbon offsets purchased to compensate for Scope 1 emissions in our carbon neutral sites. Offsets are not included in our emissions inventory (Scopes 1, 2, or 3). These offsets have been certified by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), administered by Verra, and retired. For
more information, see Offsets are applied to prior year emissions
10 In terms of all external spend (product, non-product, energy, logistics, etc.) The Risk IQ tool considers industry segment risk, country risk and EcoVadis scores from the complete EcoVadis database.
11 Based on policies, actions, results. For more information:
12 Tracked by acceptance of a Nouryon Purchase Order or a signed Nouryon contract.
13 Our ISO certification percentage metric includes sites that have been in our portfolio for one year. This is to allow sufficient time required for activities reviewed by the certification process (e.g., pre-start up safety reviews, management reviews, production, and/or internal audits if relevant). Any exceptions will be identified.


Workforce data14

Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023
Global headcount Nouryon employees # 10,389 9,730 7,77115 7,909 8,236
Percentage female in workforce % 24% 23% 25% 25% 25%
Percentage female mid-level managers and above16 % 25%   20% 23% 23%
Employee turnover rate (voluntary and involuntary)

% 17% 14% 14% 15% 13%


Unit 2019 2020  2021 2022 2023
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)– Nouryon Employees, temporary workers and contractors Per 200,000 hours worked 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.30 0.25
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) – Nouryon Employees, temporary workers and contractors Per 200,000 hours worked 0.07 0.13 0.09 0.16 0.07

Management systems

Unit   Per April 2021 Per February 28, 2022 Per March 23, 2023 Per December 31, 2023
% of manufacturing sites with OHSAS-18001/RC-18001 and ISO45001 certifications %   39% 39% 44% 42%

14 Workforce data prior to 2021 includes Nobian employees (Nobian’s separation from Nouryon occurred in 2021). 2021 workforce data excludes Nobian employees14 Headcount and similar metrics may differ slightly, depending on exact collection date, due to timing of reporting schedules, divestments, and acquisitions, as well as regular workforce fluctuations.
15 Headcount and similar metrics may differ slightly, depending on exact collection date, due to timing of reporting schedules, divestments, and acquisitions, as well as regular workforce fluctuations.
16 Mid-level managers are defined as the management paygrade below the first senior executive level. Source data, December 2023.
17 2023 People Safety data are excluding the sites in Poland, see our Reporting Principles 2023 for additional explanation.










Directors # 9 10 11 11 12
Average director tenure (years) # 1 2 2 3 4
Independent directors # 8 9 10 10 11
Independent directors (%)

% 89% 90% 91% 91% 92%

Board diversity

Unit 2019





Women on the Board # 0 1 3 3 3
Women on the Board (%) % - 10% 27% 27% 25%
Board members of racial/ethnic minority # 0 0 1 1 1
Board members of racial/ethnic minority (%) % - - 9% 9% 8%
Board diversity (%) % - 10% 36% 36% 33%

Board coverage of sustainability data reporting Issues

  2019 2020  2021 2022 2023
Frequency of Board updates on sustainability-related issues   Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Querterly
Board oversight of climate strategy (Y/N)


Policies and Statements

  2019 2020  2021 2022 2023
Code of Conduct, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment Y/N Y Y Y Y Y
Anti-corruption, anti-bribery Y/N Y Y Y Y Y
Business Partner Code of Conduct, including suppliers Y/N Y Y Y Y Y
Health, Safety, Environment and Security, including product stewardship Y/N N Y Y Y Y
Palm oil statement Y/N N Y Y Y Y
Sensitive Country Policy Y/N N Y Y Y Y



For more information about Nouryon’s Corporate governance, visit our Investor Relations page.

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